Financial Wellness in Relationships

Talking about money can be awkward and uncomfortable. However, in order to have healthy families, friendships, and romantic relationships, it is important to be financially well! Developing strong communication about finances and knowing your own money habits are key to creating healthy relationships, navigating conflict, and ultimately becoming financially secure. Talking about money can be awkward and uncomfortable. However, in order to have healthy families, friendships, and romantic relationships, it is important to be financially well! Developing strong communication about finances and knowing your own money habits are key to creating healthy relationships, navigating conflict, and ultimately becoming financially secure.

Managing Money

Money Personalities

It can be helpful to reflect and understand your general approach to money before talking with others. Do any of these sound like you?

Interested in finding out your money personality? Visit:

Fixed Expenses

Predetermined expenses remain constant for a specific period of time; the amount is the same each time you are billed.

Variable Expenses

Expenses that change over a period of time and depend on how much use you’re getting out of them; amount changes from month to month

Questions to consider

Cash Flow and Savings Tips

Avoid spending more than you make!

Save where you can!

Financial situations often change, especially in college. We may not know how someone else is being impacted financially by their family, school, or the economy. Communicating about finances is likely to be an ongoing conversation, and it's beneficial to regularly check in with partners, friends, or family about financial wellness.

Need additional support answering these questions, understanding your cash flow, or learning more about managing finances? Set up an appointment with a Money Spot Advisor through VCU Navigate!

→ It is essential to negotiate and navigate boundaries around your finances when in a relationship. What information are you comfortable sharing? How will you split paying for things? Here are some important things to keep in mind…

Setting Boundaries

Let's have cinnamon rolls, not gender roles

Conversation starters

If a partner or family member is dictating how or when you spend money, negatively impacting your ability to do your job, or overstepping your financial boundaries, it may be time to get help. Contact a confidential advocate at VCU at or 804-828-6200 or call the Richmond Regional hotline 24/7 at 804-612-6126

Examples of Red Flags

Ideas for dates in RVA!

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