Supporting Survivors
When someone has been sexually assaulted, they need a great deal of support from friends and family as well as counselors, law enforcement, doctors, and so on. Many people do not know how to help someone through the trauma of sexual assault and feel that they are in some way failing someone they love. These feelings can sometimes be unintentionally transmitted to the survivor. This can make it even harder for survivors to cope with their experiences and often leaves them with even more feelings of guilt and confusion.
How you respond matters:
- Listen: Let them tell their story and do not interrupt or name their experience for them. Do not tell them what to do, but instead ask them what they need moving forward. Offer to assist or go with them to important appointments.
- Believe: Believe them without question. It is not your job to ask prying questions or be an investigator. They trusted you with this information, believe them and keep their information private. Thank them for telling you.
- Refer: Know which resources are available on and off-campus, including which are confidential and not confidential.
- Take care of yourself: Taking on someone else’s trauma can be exhausting. Make sure you are practicing self-care and receiving help when you need it.
Our Services
Confidential advocates through University Counseling Services are available Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. to support students who have experienced sexual assault, intimate partner violence, stalking, or harassment. Advocates are available to help students navigate systems such as Title IX and criminal investigations. Advocates accompany students to court, investigative interviews, hospitals, and any other incident-related appointments. They refer students for services (i.e. counseling) on and off-campus. They also provide violence prevention education to faculty, students, and staff. Advocacy services are confidential and require no additional reporting after a student discloses. They are located on the 2nd Floor in the University Commons in the counseling office. Advocates can be reached at 804-828-6200 or by confidential email at